Help Us to "Strike Out Lupus!"
“Strike Out Lupus” is a bowling fundraiser to benefit the Michigan Lupus Foundation. The next event will be held on May 26, 2024 at Royal Scot (4722 W. Grand River, Lansing 48906). Participants get three games of bowling, rental shoes, pizza, and pop; $25 for adults and teens, $20 for kids 12 and under. We also have mystery pots, brackets, and door prize raffles. You can sign up in four person teams, partial teams, or individuals. We will put partial teams together to fill the lanes.
CONTEST: The two individuals who raise the most funds will receive a special prize on event day, but must be present to win, and please pre-register. All individuals who raise at least $100 will get a lane for four bowlers. Ask your co-workers, the company you work for, family, and friends. Start early and get creative!
May 2018 was the inaugural event; I started the fundraiser at the suggestion of my husband who is a 21-year lupus survivor. Our goal is to raise awareness about this deadly disease in addition to raising funds to help support programs that benefit sufferers and their families.
In 2019 we had 24 lanes, then 2020 and 2021 were cancelled due the the Covid pandemic, and in 2022 we bounced back to have 24 lanes again, but 2023 was a slow year. This year the goal is to fill all 60 lanes and set a participation record! Check-in/late registration is 2:45pm-3:45pm, bowling 4pm-7pm. Start time is subject to change if additional activities are added. Spectators are welcome and there is no admission fee.
REGISTRATION: There are several ways to register - You can use the email registration below or sign-up sheets will also be available at the front counter of Royal Scot which you can submit to the desk, scan and email, or take a picture and text to 517-798-1878.
Early registration is GREATLY appreciated and I encourage anyone interested to register as soon as possible to reserve your lane; payment can be submitted later, even on event day!
It will be much easier to reserve the appropriate number of lanes if participants submit their forms prior to the event; having an accurate count will be very helpful as I move forward with the planning! If you are unable to attend or prefer not to bowl, we will also be accepting donations.
Checks for registration and donations should be made payable to “Michigan Lupus Foundation”.
Registration is now open!
Bowling average information is only used to place bowlers of equal skills together on the lanes. If you don't have an average just skip.
Team names are optional.
We will combine partial entries to fill lanes.
Brackets, mystery game, and 50/50 raffle will be available for adult bowlers. We also hope to have a bowling ball raffle.
Door prizes will be awarded
throughout the event.
Please note youth bowlers in "Additional Info". Thank You!
Order yours today!
Choose from two designs!

Shirts are $17 each*;
Price covers cost of shirt and includes a $5.00 donation to the Michigan Lupus Foundation. Upgrade to a Dri-Fit Shirt - $19.50
*Size 3X is $18.50; Credit Card orders add $1 processing fee